Saturday 11 August 2007

Blimey - doesn't time fly!

I hadn't realised it had been sooo long since my last blog entry!
I started a new job working for London Underground in May which I am enjoying very much. The only down side is it is shift work and I have therefore spent most of the last couple of months saying "What day it is and what meal am I supposed to be eating next?"
Youngest son came home from spending time with his dad and has completely hogged the computer (he's currently asleep on the sofa!)
My feeble attempts to go green have turned into a kind of sludgy brown. The veg garden consists of 1 potato plant, 2 turnips, a handful of onions, a pumpkin plant and a very bedraggled looking rhubarb patch. This is what happens when you let chickens roam free in your garden. You'd think that as thanks for giving them all this freedom and saving them from becoming chicken nuggets that they would gratefully lay lots of eggs for me - but no! On a good day I get 4 eggs from 8 hens. I've spoilt them you see. They turn their beaks up at their proper food, ie layers pellets, and prefer pasta and cream cheese. What is needed is tough love - no more goodies until they have eaten all their pellets. And no more free roaming in my veg patch!!!