Tuesday 17 April 2007

Time Out

When was the last time you went for a walk just for the fun of it?

I took the dog, Coby, out for a walk this morning. Not to the usual place, but to the woods near us. i love walking in the woods at anytime of the year, but this has to be my favourite time - bluebell time.

Would you look at that colour, truely beautiful. We also walked along the river, well I walked BY the river whilst Coby was IN the river. Then we strolled across Croxley Moor.The sun was shining, the birds were singing. All was right with my world.

Then, to my horror, I read a notice attached to a tree on the edge of the wood the read - Private Property. Keep Out. etc, etc. £500 fee for walking in the woods. This woods have been there long before man set foot in Croxley. Generations have grown up playing and walking in these woods. What is going on I wondered. So I asked another dog walker. Apparently, the chap who owns the wood (I always thought it was council owned) wants to build on the land after all these years (property prices encourage greedy landowners) and our local council is preventing him. Therefore, out of spite no doubt, he will no longer allow people to use his wood.

Still, I went in as I wanted to see the bluebells and take some photos. Now being a responsible dog owner I cleared up after Coby using free doggie bags from my local library. How I wish I'd had the courage to smear the contents of said bag all over that bloody sign!

On the bright side, it's nice to know that Three Rivers District Council are prepared to fight to protect this natural beauty spot enjoyed by generations.

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