Thursday 26 April 2007

What a load of rubbish

A strange thing has been happening to my wheelie bin - it's been getting lighter and less full. I don't understand where all the rubbish is. Usually there are 3-4 black bin bags of crap per week hauled off to a landfill site somewhere but for the last 2 weeks only 3 supermarket plastic bags. Now is it because we ran out of black bags and those little plastic bags don't hold as much so therefore look alot less rubbish, or could my family finally have got the message about recycling and reusing?
I voiced my amazement to my little darlings who were able to solve the mystery in a flash. They're all broke so they are not buying take-aways and crap that comes in lots of packaging! I have been reassured that normal services will resume on payday.

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